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July 2022 Release Notes
July 2022 Release Notes

Stay up-to-date on what’s new in our monthly round-up of new features and product improvements.

Updated over a week ago

New features & Improvements

Channel Manager: Airbnb - Listing name adheres to a 50-character limit

  • Airbnb has enforced a 50-character limit for property listing names.

  • This new enhancement updated the listing name with the new character limit which automatically truncated listing names over 50 characters to avoid integration errors.

Channel Manager: Airbnb Channel Upgrade - Inventory

  • As part of our channel upgrade strategy, we have now upgraded the inventory component of the Airbnb integration using the same architectural design as used by other new world channels such as BDC and EXP. All properties that use Airbnb have now been transitioned across.

New Channel and PMS Integrations

  • New channel integrations include:

    • SiteConnect Channel: Hotelpass

    • SiteConnect Channel: Curacity

    New PMS/RMS integrations include:

    • PmsXchange PMS: Hotel3

    New pmsXchange integrations include:

    • GuestPro

Direct Booking: Guest Modifications (ROW release)

  • We have successfully released Guest Modifications globally to all our users using the latest version of our Booking Engine.

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