Multi-Property Insights helps you analyse your property portfolio data. This article explains all available fields and calculation methods you can use in your Multi-Property Insights reports.
Available fields
💡 All date values show in the property's time zone.
Booking fields
Field | Description |
Booking date | The date on which the reservation was placed by the customer |
Booking weekday | The weekday on which the reservation was placed by the customer |
Booking window (days) | The days between placing the booking and check-in date. This is also known as lead time |
Check-in/check-out fields
Field | Description |
Check-in date | The guest's arrival date |
Check-in weekday | The weekday of the guest's arrival date |
Check-out date | The guest's departure date |
Length of stay | The number of nights that the guest will stay |
Guest information fields
Field | Description |
Country of origin | The guest's country (if provided by the booking channel) |
Number of adults | The number of adults in the booking |
Number of children | The number of children in the booking |
Number of infants | The number of infants in the booking (if provided by the booking channel) |
Property fields
Field | Description |
Brand | The brand the property has been assigned to |
Clusters | Any clusters that the property has been assigned to |
Property country | The country that is set in the property's channel manager |
Property name | The property name that is set in the property's channel manager |
Reservation fields
Field | Description |
Booking channel | The source channel of the booking |
Multi-Property rate plan | The Multi-Property rate plan that was booked |
Number of rooms | The number of rooms within the reservation |
Property rate plan | The name of the rate plan that was booked |
Property room type | The name of the room type that was booked |
Reservation ID | The reference number of the reservation |
Reservation status | The status that indicates whether a reservation is "Confirmed" or "Cancelled" |
Room nights | The number of nights stayed by each occupant combined |
Secondary channel | The secondary source channel of the booking (if applicable) |
Revenue fields
💡 Note:
Some channels send revenue with tax included, others excluded
Each channel uses either inc Tax or ex Tax versions - the unused version will be empty
To compare channels using different tax methods, set up calculated fields
All revenue fields exclude extras
Field | Description |
Actual room revenue (ex Tax) | The revenue booked for rooms only, excluding taxes |
Actual room revenue (inc Tax) | The revenue booked for rooms only, including taxes |
ADR (ex Tax) | The revenue per night for rooms only, excluding taxes |
ADR (inc Tax) | The revenue per night for rooms only, including taxes |
Currency | The currency that the reservation was booked in |
Reservation revenue (ex Tax) | The total revenue of the reservation, excluding taxes |
Reservation revenue (inc Tax) | The total revenue of the reservation, including taxes |
Calculation methods
When creating reports, choose how to calculate your values. For example, sum revenue across properties or find average length of stay.
💡 Empty values are not included in calculations unless stated otherwise.
Method | Use for | Description |
Sum | Totals | Adds all values together |
Count | Number of entries | Counts number of non-empty values |
Distinct count | Unique entries | Counts unique values. Use for counting reservations since one reservation may have multiple rooms |
Average | Mean values | Calculates the mean of all values |
Median | Middle values | Finds the middle value when data is sorted |
Product | Multiplication | Multiplies all values together |
Min | Lowest values | Shows smallest value |
Max | Highest values | Shows largest value |
Population StDev | Variation in complete data | Measures how widely values vary from average in full dataset |
Sample StDev | Variation in partial data | Measures how widely values vary from average in data segment |
% of Grand Total | Overall portions | Shows each value as percentage of total |
% of Column | Column portions | Shows each value as percentage of column total |
% of Row | Row portions | Shows each value as percentage of row total |
% of Parent Column | Parent-child portions | Shows child values as percentage of parent column |
Index | Proportions | Shows each value's contribution as decimal |
Difference of Column | Column changes | Shows difference from previous row's value |
Difference of Row | Row changes | Shows difference from previous column's value |
% Difference of Column | Column change rates | Shows percentage change from previous row |
% Difference of Row | Row change rates | Shows percentage change from previous column |
Running Totals of Column | Progressive sums down | Adds values from top to bottom |
Running Totals of Row | Progressive sums across | Adds values from left to right |