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Upsell: analytics

Monitoring and evaluating your pre-stay and upsell performance

Updated over a week ago

Measure the performance of your offers over time, improve offers that are under-performing, and see how much revenue you generate.

Offer view statistics

This table shows you all of your Concierge offers and room upgrades, and the number of views / number of orders for each per month.

Sep 2023

Number of views --> 31 / 6 <-- Number of orders

How to use this information

These statistics can help you determine the appeal of an offer to your guests.

Low or 0 views: The offer is probably not attractive to your guest. This might be due to the offer name, image, or price. Or it simply might mean that it's something your guests have no interest in, and you might want to consider removing it.

High views, low or zero orders: The offer is definitely something in which the guest is interested, because they are viewing it often. However, they aren't ordering. This usually indicates that the guest isn't getting enough information to convince them to order.
For example, a guest sees a room upgrade, and the price looks good. But when they open the offer, your description text only reads something basic, like "Upgrade to a superior suite for only 25€ per night".
You haven't done enough to sell the guest on it. Your description should include all the benefits of the experience. For example:
"For only 25€ per night, you can treat yourself to an upgrade to our Superior suites. You'll enjoy a more spacious room with heavenly king-sized bed, a beautiful view of the city courtesy of the room being on a higher floor, and high quality bath products."

High views, some orders: Some of your guests are convinced that the offer was worth it - but why not more of them? This usually indicates that many of your guests are sensitive to the price that has to be paid. Consider using the discount price tool for a period of time to see if this increases the number of orders placed.

High views, matching high orders: Congrats! This is exactly the type of thing that your guest loves to enhance their stay with you. More like this one, please!

Upsell table

This table shows you the performance your Concierge by month.

Concierge visits: The number of times the Concierge was loaded in the month. This includes guests loading the page multiple times.

Guests (unique): The number of guests who visited the Concierge.

Orders: The number of orders guests placed during the month.

Orders with price: The number of orders guests placed during the month which had a price (as it's possible to have orders that have no cost).

Revenue: Gross upsell revenue for the month, in your activated currency.

Revenue chart

Allows you to visualise your gross upsell revenue performance daily, weekly, or monthly.

Orders chart

This chart shows you the number of orders placed per day, week, or month.

Order statistics chart

This chart breaks down your orders by category over the last 90 days. Most properties will have one or two categories that represent the majority of upsell revenue.

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