Your Multi-Property Insights compiles real-time data from your entire property portfolio into customisable reports. For planning business strategies and making important decisions, this page is a hub of valuable information.
Each of your individual property platforms contains an insights tool that brings together numerous fields of data from that entire platform. But multi property reports combine data from all of these properties into a single location where you can gain insights on a portfolio-wide scale. By collecting and presenting all of your data in one place, multi property reports will save you time, so you will have more time to analyse your data.
All available fields in this tool are divided into two types based on their functionality:
Metrics and dimensions are those that contain data (e.g., Booking date).
Aggregation methods don’t contain their own data, but are used instead to combine other values into a single value (e.g., Sum).
To access Multi-Property reports, go to Multi-Property > Insights page.
Metrics and dimensions
The metrics and dimensions available for reports are listed below.
💡 All date values will be displayed in the property’s time zone.
Booking date | The date on which the reservation was placed by the customer. |
Booking weekday | The weekday on which the reservation was placed by the customer. |
Booking window (days) | The days between placing the booking and check-in date.This is also known as lead time. |
Cancellation date | The date on which the reservation was cancelled by the customer. |
Cancelled after booking (days) | The days between placing the booking and cancelling it. |
Cancelled before check-in (days) | The days before check-in that the booking was cancelled. |
Check-in date | The guest’s arrival date. |
Check-in weekday | The weekday of the guest’s arrival date. |
Check-out date | The guest’s departure date. |
Length of stay | The number of nights that the guest will stay. |
Guest information
Country of origin | The guest’s country (if provided by the booking channel). |
Number of adults | The number of adults in the booking. |
Number of children | The number of children in the booking. |
Number of infants | The number of infants in the booking (if provided by the booking channel). |
Modification date | The date on which the reservation was modified by the guest. |
Modified after booking (days) | The days between placing the booking and modifying it. |
Modified before check-in (days) | The days before check-in that the booking was modified. |
Brand | The brand the property has been assigned to. |
Clusters | Any clusters that the property has been assigned to (cluster names are comma-separated; you need to use Label contains to filter by this cluster). |
Property country | The country that is set in the property’s channel manager. |
Property name | The property name that is set in the property’s channel manager. |
Booking channel | The source channel of the booking. |
Multi-Property rate plan | The Multi-Property rate plan that was booked (only available if the property rate plan is linked to a Multi-Property rate plan). |
Number of rooms | The number of rooms within the reservation. |
Property rate plan | The name of the rate plan that was booked. |
Property room type | The name of the room type that was booked. |
Reservation ID | The reference number of the reservation. |
Reservation status | The status that indicates whether a reservation is "Confirmed" or "Cancelled". |
Room nights | The number of nights stayed by each occupant combined (calculation: total number of booked rooms x the length of stay). |
Secondary channel | The secondary source channel of the booking (only available if a secondary source channel exists for the booking channel of this reservation). E.g. is a secondary channel of Expedia. |
💡 Please remember that:
Some channels send revenue data with tax included and others with tax excluded, which means many of these fields have an "inc Tax" and an "ex Tax" version. Each channel will use the one that is relevant to it, while leaving the other field empty. Therefore, when you use one of these fields in a report be sure to use the version that contains data, and not the other (which will be empty).
In order to compare different channels that use "inc Tax" versus "ex Tax", you should consider setting up calculated fields that add or remove tax as needed.
All of the fields below exclude extras.
Actual room revenue (ex Tax) | The revenue booked for rooms only, excluding taxes. |
Actual room revenue (inc Tax) | The revenue booked for rooms only, including taxes. |
ADR (ex Tax) | The revenue per night for rooms only, excluding taxes. |
ADR (inc Tax) | The revenue per night for rooms only, including taxes. |
Currency | The currency that the reservation was booked in. 💡 If your property receives reservations in multiple currencies, it's best to group the table by this currency field (by adding it as a row). This is because no currency conversion is performed on this data, so different reservations will be represented in different currencies, and it is not valid to compare these to each other. |
Reservation revenue (ex Tax) | The total revenue of the reservation, excluding taxes. |
Reservation revenue (inc Tax) | The total revenue of the reservation, including taxes. |
Aggregation methods
The aggregation methods available for reports are listed below.
💡 Empty values are not included in any of these calculations unless stated otherwise.
Sum | This sums all values together. |
Count | This counts the number of values that are not empty. |
Distinct count | This counts the number of unique values. 💡 You can find the total number of reservations by aggregating Reservation ID by Distinct count. This is because reservations containing multiple line items (i.e. multiple rooms) are represented by multiple rows that share the same Reservation ID. |
Average | This finds the average of all values. |
Median | This finds the median of all values (can be found by sorting all values from lowest to highest, and then taking the middle value). |
Product | This multiplies all values together. |
Min | This finds the minimum value. |
Max | This finds the maximum value. |
Population StDev | This measures how widely the values vary from their average. It should be used when measuring an entire set of data (the entire ‘population’ of data). |
Sample StDev | This also measures how widely the values vary from their average. But it should be used when measuring a segment of the data that is not the entire set (a ‘sample’ of the data). |
% of Grand Total | This finds how much each value contributes to the grand total, as a percentage. |
% of Column | This finds how much each value in a column contributes to the column total, as a percentage. |
% of Row | This finds how much each value in a row contributes to the row total, as a percentage. |
% of Parent Column Total | This finds how much each value in a child column contributes to its parent total, as a percentage. |
Index | This finds how much each value contributes to the grand total, as a decimal. |
Difference of Column | This finds the difference between a value and the previous value in the column (in the row above). |
Difference of Row | This finds the difference between a value and the previous value in the row (in the column to the left). |
% Difference of Column | This finds the difference between a value and the previous value in the column, as a percentage. |
% Difference of Row | This finds the difference between a value and the previous value in the row, as a percentage. |
Running Totals of Column | This sums all values in the column up until this value (from top to bottom). |
Running Totals of Row | This sums all values in the row up until this value (from left to right). |