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Creating pre-stay emails

Thank your guests for booking their stay, present upsell opportunities to them, or provide them with useful information.

Updated over a week ago

Start by clicking the Create button on the right hand side of the Pre-stay emails panel:

Then, select email type you want to create:

Key features on the edit email page

  1. The descriptive name of your email. You can see we automatically populate it, but you may wish to modify it.

  2. The Appearance tab lets you modify all the content of the email.

  3. The Rules tab allows you to configure when the email should be sent, and also prevent the email from being sent to certain recipients (eg. tour operators, travel agencies, etc).

  4. This is the email preview pane; it's an approximation of what your email currently looks like (keep in mind that in different email platforms (Outlook, Google, mobile vs desktop, etc) can look slightly different).

  5. As you modify the content of your email, click the Save changes button to refresh the preview pane.

  6. Send yourself a test email here!

The Appearance tab

Here are all of the components in the Appearance tab and what they do.

Choose Language

Here you can switch between the different languages you have actived. Note that will need to provide the translations yourself!

Header image

This is where you can upload an attractive, quality image to show in your email.

The image should be of a high resolution, but please note that you don't need to provide the image in any particular shape, as you will able to crop it when uploading:


The subject line of your email. Try to avoid language which might be detected as spam!

Start Button Text

This is the call to action on the Concierge button in the email. We have a default setting of "Start my stay here", but feel free to add your own:

This setting is not shown when you are creating an Information email.

Button Colour

This allows you to customise the colour of the button itself. You might wish to change this to match a colour from your own corporate ID:

Body Text

The content of your email. As you can see, you can change the font size, use bold and italics, add a link to the email, have •bulleted or 1. numbered lists, and also there are Undo and Redo buttons.

The footer is blank by default, but you can add footer text. A lot of customers put their social media links in there:

Once you've added all your content in the currently selected language, click the Save changes button at the top of the preview pane to see how it looks, or send yourself a test email!

The Rules tab

When to send the email

If you're creating a Reservation Confirmation email, you will first see this setting:

Obviously, for a reservation confirmation email, you would probably want the email to be sent on the same day as Guest Engagement receives the new reservation.

If you're creating an Upsell or Information email, you will first see this setting:

Tip 1: For upsell emails, we tend to find that sending 3 or 4 days prior to your guest's arrival tends to have the best response rate. However, this is not true of all markets, so feel free to experiment and find the best performing setting for your property.

Tip 2: This setting should be interpreted as "The maximum number of days to send this email before guest arrival". This means that if you receive a booking, say, 2 days before the date of arrival, this email will still be sent. Note that Guest Engagement does not send pre-stay emails on the date of arrival, only the days prior to arrival. This means that walk-ins will not receive pre-stay emails.

What time of day to send the email

You can specify the hours of the day in which you want the emails to be sent. Different emails might warrant different time frames.

Note that emails are sent according to your property's timezone, not the timezone of the guest.

Email exclusions

Here, you can add specific email addresses, or entire email domains (eg., in order to exclude them from receiving this email.

Please note that these exclusions are in addition to the settings you have under Scheduled emails > Global exclusions.

Note that you can enable or disable your emails using its respective switch on the Scheduled emails page:

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