About the question types that can be added to your property’s check-in form in Guest Engagement.
💡 To set up your check-in form questions, go to Check-in > Check-in form.
Add preset or custom questions to your check-in form in Guest Engagement to collect guest information before arrival.
About preset questions
Preset questions can automatically fill guest details from their reservation data. You can add these questions to your check-in form:
First name and last name
Email address
Phone number
Address, country, city, and postcode
Additional preset questions include:
Arrival date and departure date — read-only fields that guests cannot modify.
Birthday — validates that the date is in the past. Guests select the date using three drop-down boxes.
Document copy — guests can provide identification documents. On computers, guests can upload existing files. On mobile devices, guests can take new photos or select existing ones.
Signature — guests sign using a mouse on computers or finger on mobile devices. Always appears as the final question on the form.
About custom questions
Create your own questions to collect specific information from guests:
Create questions where guests can type their response.
Email address
Collect and validate an additional email address separate from the booking e-mail.
Add a date field set to allow all dates, future dates only, or past dates only.
Create a question where guests select one answer from a drop-down menu.
Allow guests to select multiple answers from a list of displayed options.
Radio buttons
Display all options for guests to select one answer. Useful for yes/no questions.
Terms and conditions
Add your property's terms for guests to read and accept.
Add a payment step for guests to pay or save card details before completing check-in.