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Channel Manager
Rooms and rates
Channel Manager - Set up and manage room types
Channel Manager - Set up and manage room types
Updated over a week ago

Create a new room type

Room types represent the type of accommodation available to your guests. Room types can have various types of rate plans assigned to them to manage the various ways you are offering the room type to your guests. The connection of a room type with a rate plan is called a room rate.

The channel manager manages availability by room type. So, if you have several room rates under one room type, and one of those rate plans gets a reservation, availability will reduce on the room type level and for all room rates under this room type.

Please note: Creating a room type in the Channel Manager will not create room types or rates in your connected channels or Property Management System (PMS).

To set up a new room type:

  1. Click on ROOMS & RATES

  2. Under Room Types , Click New Room Type in the upper right of the screen

  3. Enter the name of the New Room Type

  4. Optional: Enter occupancies for this room type and a description for your own reference

  5. Click Save

Your new room type will now appear in the ROOM TYPES tab.

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Change the name of the room type

If you would like to change the name of a room:

  1. Click on ROOMS & RATES

  2. Under Room Types , Click the name of the room type you wish to rename and select Configure

  3. Update the name of the Room Type

  4. Click Save

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Delete a room type

Before you delete a room type, please be aware that deleting a room type:

  • is permanent and cannot be undone

  • will delete the related room rates and mapped channel rates

  • will not remove rooms/rates from your connected channels extranets or property management system (PMS)

To delete a room type:

  1. Click on ROOMS & RATES

  2. Under Room Types , Click the name of the room type you wish to rename and select Delete

  3. Review the warning and click DELETE

The room type and any of its room rates will now be deleted from your channel manager.

Please ensure you make the appropriate changes to your inventory on your connected channels' extranets and, if applicable, your Property Management System (PMS).

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