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Map to Airbnb: general settings
Map to Airbnb: general settings
Updated over a week ago

Room rate settings

  • Listing name — enter a name for your listing that will appeal to guests, something at least 12 characters long — with no special characters — that includes both the name of the room type and a brief description. (For example: ‘Stylish deluxe room in a traditional bed and breakfast’.)

  • Start updating channel — select Yes to start controlling your Airbnb listing from our platform or create and connect your new Airbnb listing.

  • Listing ID — take note of the number in this non-editable field; it identifies your listing on Airbnb and may be requested by the channel’s support team when assisting you with this listing.

  • Synchronisation category — this feature will only be available on our platform during the initial mapping to an existing listing. If you want to change it for a listing that has already been mapped to our platform, you will need to change it via Airbnb’s extranet. You can choose between:

  1. Sync everything — manage Airbnb content (services, policies, media, descriptions) and inventory updates (prices, availability, and so on) from our platform. Selecting this option will mean that our platform's configuration will override the content you have on Airbnb. (If you have not loaded the aforementioned content on our platform, or would prefer to retain and maintain Airbnb content on Airbnb’s extranet, select Sync pricing and availability instead.)

  2. Sync pricing and availability — only manage inventory (prices, availability, and restrictions) from our platform. In this case, your content will be managed through Airbnb.

  • Listing searchable - bookable on Airbnb — select Yes, otherwise the listing will not be searchable or bookable on Airbnb.

  • Room type settings — this information should already have been filled in when following the steps on the previous article of the series (Map to Airbnb: room rates) but if you need to modify anything, click on Back and go through the steps again.

  • Airbnb room type facilities — add any facility offered in this listing by clicking on the field and selecting at least five items from the menu.

  • Apartment number — if applicable, enter your apartment or unit number.

  • Listing type — choose an option from the drop-down menu to inform your guests that they will be booking either an entire home, a private room, or a shared room.

  • Property type — choose the appropriate option from the drop-down menu, whether it is an apartment, house, boat, or even an igloo!

Advanced notice

  • Hours — enter the minimum number of hours’ notice required when booking (also called release period). Use any round number between 0 to 24, 48, 72 and 168, but if you allow same-day bookings, simply set your advanced notice hours to ‘0’.

  • Allow request to book? — select Yes if you permit reservation requests for bookings with shorter notice than the selected Hours above.

Occupancy details

  • Included occupancy — keep the lock icon closed if you want this value (which is the number of guests included in the inventory price of the listing) to be retrieved from the room rate settings, or click on it to open the lock icon if you want to override the value.

  • Max occupancy — likewise, keep the lock icon closed if you want the value to be retrieved from the room rate settings; open it if you want to override the value.


  • Base price — enter a default nightly price for this listing that is at least USD 10 (or equivalent). Once entered, this price will be overridden by the daily rate set you set in your inventory. As long as the rates and the channel are enabled, any time the price is changed, the relevant info will be sent to Airbnb.

  • Extra adult rate — if applicable, enter an additional fee between USD 5–300 (or equivalent) for an extra guest.

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