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Add instructions on how to reach your property from various landmarks nearby

Updated over a week ago

When active, a new page is available in the Concierge, labelled Location:

Help your guests reach your property more easily by adding Directions which they will see on the Location page:

Start by going to Upsell > Directions.

From there, you can decide which places you should provide directions from, and how much detail you want to go into.

Let's have a look at the interface:

  1. This switch enables or disables the Location page

  2. Edit or delete directions as required

  3. Don't forget to add directions in each language activated in your system!

  4. Add new directions in the current language

Adding your directions

  1. Add a title for these directions; for example "From the airport"

  2. Choose an icon that best suits the directions you're adding

  3. Add your instructions. Note that you have several formatting tools available, including bold, italic, link, bullet & numbered lists.

  4. Save changes once you're done. To preview the changes, open the Concierge by going to Concierge > Open concierge.

Suggestion about what to include

  • Always include some directions and information about reaching your property by car, where applicable. When you do, make sure you mention what parking arrangements there are - for example, is there on-site parking? Does it cost anything? Does the guest need to reserve a space? If there is no on-site parking, where is the location of the nearest parking place?

  • If reaching your property via public transport is tricky, it might be better to briefly explain it, but then to add a link to the public transport website for your area where a guest can plan their journey

  • If you recommend your guests take a taxi, make sure you give them an estimate of what taxi fares should cost to reach your property

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