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Emails: analytics

Evaluating the performance of the emails you're sending to guests

Updated over a week ago

When you first open the Email analytics page, the statistics shown will be for the previous 30 days.

  1. Change the date range to analyse the desired period of time

  2. There is an Overview tab, which contains a summary of the email statistics, plus a tab for each currently active email, which then breaks down the totals further

  3. This is the summary table for each of the emails at each of the stages of a guest's stay

Note: Statistics will only be shown for emails that a currently active.

When you switch to the email tabs, your figures will be broken down further:

The intervals on the X axis are set automatically, depending on the length of time you are analysing.

For example, if you are looking at a month's worth of data, it will be broken down by weeks. If you look at a week's worth of data, it will be broken down by days. If you look at a year's worth of data, it will be broken down by months, and so on.

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