How to connect, map and activate Tripadvisor Plus / Instant Booking.
Tripadvisor is one of the world's leading travel platforms, with over a billion reviews, helping travellers compare and book accommodations, experiences, and travel services worldwide.
Before connecting
To connect with Tripadvisor, ensure you have:
An active Tripadvisor account.
Matching property details across both Tripadvisor and your Channel Manager (including property name, address, phone number, and latitude and longitude)
Connect to Tripadvisor
Step 1: Connect SiteMinder in Tripadvisor
Contact Tripadvisor to request a SiteMinder connection.
Step 2: Add the channel in your Channel Manager
In Channel Manager, go to Channels.
Click Connect New Channel and select "Tripadvisor Plus / Instant Booking"
Complete the connection steps.
Step 3: Update channel settings
Update the channel settings for Tripadvisor in Channel Manager > Channels > click on Tripadvisor Plus / Instant Booking > Channel settings tab. Update the following:
Hotel description (including amenities, history, nearby attractions)
Hotel website URL
Reservation e-mail address
Guest support contact information (phone, e-mail, web address)
Check-in/check-out policies and times
Currency code (3-letter ISO format)
Prices Include Tax and Fees
Accepted credit cards
Payment policy
Smoking policy
Terms and conditions
Step 4: Map your room rates
Once the channel is connected, map your room rates to Tripadvisor.
Go to Channel Manager > Channels > click on Tripadvisor Plus / Instant Booking > Rooms & rates tab.
Click Tripadvisor Plus / Instant Booking in front of the channel manager room rate you want to map.
Select the channel rate to map to from the drop-down list.
Configure the settings for the channel rate.
Click Save.
When mapping, configure the following settings for each channel rate, including the following settings specific to Tripadvisor:
Room type and rate plan settings
Room code — a unique code that will identify this room (for example “DBL”)
Room name
Room URL — the link of the room on your property’s website (such as"")
Room description
Rate code — a unique code that will identify this rate (for example “BAR”)
Rate name — the name of the rate (such as "bed and breakfast")
Rate description
Deposit details
Deposit type — if a deposit is required at the time of booking. None, partial, or full.
Cancellation Policy
Refund available — if you offer a refund for this rate. None, partial, or full.
Cancellation Policy — add a brief description of the cancellation policy.
For partial or full refunds, set:
Amount and amount type (fixed amount, percentage, or number of nights)
Cancellation period (days before arrival)
Step 5: Enable the channel
To start sending inventory updates to Tripadvisor, enable the channel. Go to Distribution > Channels >Tripadvisor Plus / Instant Booking > Channel settings > click the Enable the connection to Tripadvisor Plus / Instant Booking” button
Step 6: Complete Tripadvisor activation
After mapping your room rates, wait 48 hours, then complete the TripAdvisor Self-Signup on Tripadvisor to activate either Tripadvisor Plus or Tripadvisor Instant Booking.
Tripadvisor Plus
This premium subscription service rewards guests who book your property through Tripadvisor. Benefits include:
Special property badges on Tripadvisor
Enhanced visibility
No upfront costs
Potential for increased bookings at lower costs compared to other channels
Tripadvisor Instant Booking
Available to all guests regardless of subscription status, this option:
Displays your rates alongside other booking options
Operates on a commission-based model for completed reservations
Requires eligibility verification