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Manage multi-property rate plans

How Multi-Property enables you to manage rate plans across property channel managers within your hotel group or property portfolio.

Updated over 8 months ago

Introduction to multi-property rate plans

Multi-Property manages rate plans across numerous properties in bulk, acting as a central hub for your rate management across your property portfolio.

In Multi-Property, you can create rate plans at the group level and assign them to any number of property room types. After a rate plan is created, you can assign it to properties’ room types to create an equivalent rate plan and room rate for each selected property.

A family tree diagram in which a Multi-Property rate plan ('Breakfast included') at the Multi-Property level creates three property rate plans at the Property level, and each are also called 'Breakfast included'. One of the property rate plans pairs with a property room type ('Single room') to make a property room rate ('Single room - Breakfast included').

Create a multi-property rate plan

Follow the steps below to create a multi-property rate plan that can be assigned to multiple properties.

Step 1: find the New rate plan feature

  1. Go to Multi-Property > Distribution > Rate plans.

  2. Click on the ellipsis button (...) and select New rate plan. (A form will then open.)

  3. The New rate plan form contains two sections: Rate plan details and Rate derivation settings.

Step 2: add the rate plan details

Fill in the following fields:

  • Name — the name of your rate plan.

  • Description — a description of the rate plan that’s seen by the internal users of Multi-Property and your channel managers. This description — which is not displayed to your guests — can help you distinguish between the various rate plans you’ve created and how they’re being applied.

    • Tags — tags that make finding a multi-property rate plan in the property list easier when using a filter. It is recommended to apply one or more rate tags per rate plan.

    • Minimum stay — the minimum number of nights that can be booked.

    • Release period — the minimum number of days a guest must book in advance of arrival.

    • Inclusions — the items included in the rate plan (for example, Breakfast).

    • Currency — the currency of a rate plan, which can only be configured when the rate plan is created; once set, it cannot be edited. Select between:

      • Use property base currency — when a multi-property rate plan is set to derive its rate from another rate plan with an adjustment of a certain amount, this setting ensures that each of the assigned properties will use their property’s own base currency to specify that amount.

      • A currency of your choice — this will specify the currency (e.g. Australian dollar, AUD ) that should be used for the amount of adjustment when deriving rates. However, only properties that support the selected currency can be assigned to this rate plan.

An example of currency settings.

If a multi-property rate plan derives its rate from another rate plan with an adjustment amount of "+5", the currency used to display the "+5" amount is determined by the multi-property rate plan’s Currency setting.

  • If you select Use property base currency, the "+5" would be displayed in Australian dollars for an assigned property with AUD as its base currency, and for an assigned property with EUR as its base currency it would be displayed in EUR.

  • If you select Australian dollar (AUD), the "+5" will always be displayed in AUD, so any properties that don’t support AUD cannot be assigned to this rate plan.

Step 3: complete the rate derivation settings

A rate plan’s Rate setup can either be manual (by selecting Manually input daily rates) or derived (by selecting Derive daily rates).

Manually input daily rates

With manual rates, you get full control and can set prices manually. You just need to fill in the Full rate — that is, a sum that acts as a default rate applied to any dates without a price in the Inventory.

Derive daily rates

When deriving a rate plan from another rate plan, prices are adjusted automatically according to your set rules. All you need to do is complete the following fields:

  • Derive from — this is the name of the rate plan where the price will be derived from (that is, the master rate plan).

  • Adjust daily rates by — this is the method of adjusting daily rates, using one of the following options:

    • Keep rates the same — keep the same prices as the master rate plan.

    • Percentage — add or subtract a percentage to or from the master rate plan price.

    • Amount — add or subtract an amount to or from the master rate plan price.

    • Percentage then amount — add or subtract a percentage, then add or subtract an amount to or from the master rate plan price.

    • Amount then percentage — add or subtract an amount, then add or subtract a percentage to or from the master rate plan price.

  • Percentage adjustment — if applicable, this lets you adjust the value of the master rate by a percentage that’s either positive (+) or negative (-). For example, $100 adjusted by -10% equals $90.

  • Amount adjustment — if applicable, this enables you to adjust the value by an amount that’s either positive (+) or negative (-). For example, $100 adjusted by +20 equals $120.

💡 If you want to derive a multi-property rate plan, follow these steps.

  1. Assign the master rate plan to the properties that you want the future child rate plan to be assigned to.

  2. Derive the child rate plan from the master rate plan.

  3. Assign the child rate plan to properties where the master rate plan is assigned.

For example, if you want to derive a ‘Double room - Single occupancy’ from a ‘Double room - Standard’, you first have to make sure to assign the ‘Double room - Standard’ to all the properties where you want to assign the ‘Double room - Single occupancy’.

If you don’t follow the correct order of actions, as detailed above, you’ll get an error message and won’t be able to derive the child rate plan.

Step 4: review and save

Save the multi-property rate plan to create it and make it visible in your Rate plans tab.

💡 After creating a multi-property rate plan, the next step is to assign properties to it.

View details of a multi-property rate plan

To view the details of a multi-property rate plan, go to Multi-Property > Distribution > Rate plans and click on a rate plan. You will then find three tabs.

  • Info — shows you:

    • Suggestions — recommendations to assign the rate plan to more properties or import property rate plans (if the rate plan has only been assigned to a few properties).

    • Mapping warnings — alerts that room rates haven’t been mapped to an integration*.

Viewing the details of rate plan. The breadcrumb bar says: 'Distribution / Breakfast included'. The page is on the 'Info' tab and it says: '63 properties' and '412 rates not mapped'.
  • Config — contains the Rate plan details and Rate derivation settings.

  • Properties — contains a list of all the properties assigned to this multi-property rate plan. When a property’s room type is assigned to a rate plan, room rates get created automatically, so the properties seen here represent the property-level rate plans. You will sometimes see pill flags on this page that correspond to the following settings:

    • Unmapped rates — when one or more rates are not mapped to an integration*. Clicking on an ‘Unmapped rates’ pill will redirect the user to the multi-property rate plan Info tab.

    • Overrides — when there are one or more overrides at the property-level rate plan (or on both the property-level rate plan and property-level room rate). Clicking on an ‘Overrides’ pill will redirect the user to the rate plan’s Properties tab.

    • Rate overrides — when there are one or more overrides at the property-level room rate. Clicking on a ‘Rate overrides’ pill will redirect the user to the location of the override.

    • Deleted in channel manager — when the rate plan has been deleted at the property level.

  • Channels— contains a list of all the direct booking engines and channels mapped to this multi-property rate plan.

  • Connectivities— contains a list of all the integrations mapped to this multi-property rate plan.

*The word 'integration' refers to property management systems (PMS), central reservations systems (CRS), and revenue management systems (RMS).

💡 The direct booking engines will only appear if the properties are using the SiteMinder platform — in other words, the Channel manager — with its integrated direct booking.

Edit a multi-property rate plan

⚠️ Editing a multi-property rate plan updates all of its property-level rate plans at the same time. However, any overrides that exist on the property-level rate plans will not be changed.

  1. Go to Multi-Property > Distribution > Rate plans.

  2. Locate the rate plan you wish to edit and click on it.

  3. Go to the rate plan’s Config tab and click on the Edit button.

  4. Make your changes.

  5. Finish editing and click on Save. You will then be redirected to the rate plan’s Config tab and the multi-property rate plan will display your new changes.

Delete a multi-property rate plan

Deleting a multi-property rate plan means you can quickly remove its property-level rate plans and room rates across all your properties in bulk — unmapping all the deleted rates from your channels and integrations*.

  1. Go to Multi-Property > Distribution > Rate plans.

  2. Locate the rate plan you wish to delete and click on it.

  3. Click on its ellipsis button (...) and select Delete rate plan.

  4. An alert will appear with the following checkbox: Would you like to also delete all associated property rate plans, rates and mapped channel rates in channel manager?

    • If unticked — the multi-property rate plan will only be deleted from Multi-Property. Nothing will be deleted on the properties’ channel managers.

    • If ticked — the rate plan will be deleted from Multi-Property and its assigned properties’ channel managers. All the rate plan’s associated room rates, channels and integrations mapping will also be deleted on each property where the rate plan was assigned.

  5. Confirm by clicking on Delete.

⚠️ Note:

  • Deleted multi-property rate plans cannot be recovered.

  • If you don’t want to delete a rate plan from the properties’ channel managers, make sure you leave the option Would you like to also delete all associated property rate plans, rates and mapped channel rates in channel manager? unticked when deleting the multi-property rate plan.

  • When a rate plan is deleted from a property, any related room rates on your mapped channels or integrations* won’t be deleted automatically. If you’d like to remove these too, you’ll need to delete them manually from each channel/integration extranet.

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